Category: Social issues

Critical Theory: an introduction

The title is unfortunate, since the video teaches the opposite of what its title seems to imply.

Very good introduction to Critical Theory, that explains how diametrically opposed it is to Christianity. CT is a more proper appellation for what some (including myself) refer to as Cultural Marxism. CT is foundational to movements such as BLM, modern environmentalism (see Great Thunberg), and many others.

Ethnic Gnosticism

Very relevant sermon in this period.

Voddie is possibly the only Reformed scholar/preacher I can actually listen to. Unlike the majority of Reformed I know, he actually has a Christian heart. Plus he’s funny. Plus he’s quite good a Jiu Jitsu.

Ethnic Gnosticism is a term crafted by Dr. Voddie Baucham to explain the phenomenon of people believing that somehow because of ones ethnicity that one is able to know when something or someone is racist. In this sermon, Dr. Baucham sheds light on the way this ideology is undermining the gospel and compromising genuine christian relationships in the church today. In recent years we have a growing concern about “social justice.” What is meant by that phrase, however, varies widely among those who use and promote it. What is too often missing—even in the calls for “social justice” coming from Christian leaders—is a clear understanding of biblical justice. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. He is the One who defines justice and He has revealed what true justice is in the Bible. For more resources on these topics, you can visit This presentation was given by Dr. Voddie Baucham on January 4, 2019 at the Southeast Founders “Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly” regional conference in Cape Coral, Florida.

BLM founder admits to be a ‘trained Marxist’

As if she needed to confess to be a trained Marxist. Their statement of belief on their website is Marxist.

I take this chance to share a passage I read yesterday, and that seemed the perfect description of BLM (or any other Marxist movement):

There are six things that the Lord hates, even seven things that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift to run to evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who spreads discord among family members.

Prov 6:16-19 (NET)
  • Marxists are arrogant, proud and unforgiving
  • They lie to achieve their goals (that’s why they can team up with Islam in the Red-Green Axis — both ideologies accept lie as a just means to achieve their spread)
  • They devise evil plans (e.g. Burn Down the American Plantation)
  • They are quick to resort to evil (see reaction to Floyd’s murder)
  • They lie when providing witness
  • They put human being against human being, and definitely create discord in the Church, due to some Christian being gullible enough to jump on the bandwagon of these Marxists movements, be it BLM or Great Thunberg nonsense.

Human lives matter

After having discussed the recent events in the heat of social networks, I wanted to lay down my point of view completely and clearly. I know it will be a long post, but, hopefully, it’ll be worth it.

Of course, this relates to the recent events in the USA, and the movement that calls themselves Black Lives Matter, amongst others.

This is a matter that is doomed to be polarising, so it is not surprising that I myself I have got into trouble with some friends and brothers in Christ already. It’s sad that some people should even begin to think that for some reason I am denying well established history about the exploitation of Africans over the centuries. I’d be a fool if I did that.

Anyhow, I am getting ahead of myself. I need to break this down properly. So, let’s start with the foundation.

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The first book of public hygiene

Three thousands years ago there was a nation in ancient near east that was very different from all the others surrounding it. Of all the difference, strangely enough, they were on a whole different level when it came to hygiene. The name of the nation is Israel and their hygiene rules are recorded mostly in Leviticus and Deutoronomy, but also other parts of what Christians call “the Old Testament”.

Have a read.

Progressivism and IT companies

One thing that gets increasingly more difficult for me is the fact that in my line of work almost everyone is a hyper-leftist/progressivist/super-liberal of some sort. That means that we have diametrically opposed worldviews, even on the smallest things in life. And yet their worldviews are now shaping entire businesses policies, mottos, and ways of working.

What follows is a testimony from an interview.

The candidate had been asked salary expectations, which they provided. They then received an offer, which was not quite close enough to their expectations. So they tried to negotiate their way up.

This is what HR said to the candidate in the first instance.

I really appreciate you making a detailed case for increasing the salary offer, we do appreciate the wealth of experience that you have and this is something that was taken into consideration. We like to ask candidate compensation expectations as a check and balance to see if our ranges are in line with candidate’s expectations. We’ve found in the majority of cases they are. We believe strongly in internal equity and don’t offer salaries solely based on candidate’s expectations. We’ve found that could lead to a significant gender gap in wages, as male candidates have a tendency to negotiate much more aggressively, so I’m going to have to decline to negotiate. Please let me know if I can answer any other questions about working here

The emphasis is mine.

What’s really sad is that they think they really are smart and clever with these policies, and they have no idea whatsoever of how absurd their policies are. And when I say absurd, I literally mean that their view reduces to logical absurdity. Let’s see why.

The dirty trick about negotiation

The way they declined negotiation is unfair, because they started the negotiation the moment they asked for salary expectations. Regardless of the reasons for which they do it, asking the candidate for their salary expectations sets HR up as the first negotiator, giving them an advantage. It is reasonable to assume they wouldn’t offer the upper bound salary to someone whose expectations did not exceed such an upper bound. In other words, if a candidate does not understand their own worth and asks for a low salary, they will get what they asked for: a low salary. However, the one that asks for a high salary, they very likely won’t get what they asked for. Dirty trick.

The self-refuting logic

They believe in equity and don’t offer salary just based solely on candidate’s expectations. Well, that’s a silly thing to say to start with: no one offers salary based solely on one’s expectations, because otherwise everyone would be asking for astronomical salaries and they’ll get it.

The fact of the matter is that a candidate’s expectations are based around their perceived merit, which is corroborated by factual information about their experience and past career, and the output of the hiring process. Thus, unintentional as it may be, they seem to be adopting a double standard for how they set the first salary, and how they decide future salary increases (they said elsewhere: “We offer merit increases every 12-18 months”). The latter are based on merit, the former are not, or at least, not entirely, as they are constrained by other, contrary, factors.

Also, equity has got nothing to do with this. In fact, a principle of equity works directly against recognising one’s worth. You either pay someone for what they are worth, or you put everyone on the same salary because of equity. You can’t have it both ways. And this applies also if you just mean “equity per role”, because people that perform the same role, are likely to perform it at different levels of effectiveness and driven by different experience. And to be quite blunt, some people are just cleverer than others.

Gender gap?

We’ve found that could lead to a significant gender gap in wages, as male candidates have a tendency to negotiate much more aggressively, so I’m going to have to decline to negotiate.

In the attempt to try and avoid discrimination, their policy has indadvertedly led to discrimination nonetheless. I’d like to share that with you:

  1. Females are labelled as less able to negotiate
  2. Males are labelled as getting what they want by being aggressive negotiators
  3. Males are deprived of alleged gender-specific skills and the ability to put them to full use; negotiation, and ability to defend one’s worth in general, should be valued as a skill, not dismissed as a menace;
  4. All people, irrespective of gender, that are good negotiators are deprived of their skills; they are constrained to be a lesser version of themselves.
  5. Cases built on facts are dismissed for the fear of them being uniquely driven by built-in rhetorical aggressiveness, thus effectively discriminating towards those that merit higher compensation, but will have to oblige and be valued less, merely because they are, well, potentially aggressive negotiators.

I mean, that’s just a sick thing to say during an interview process.

That aside, the whole thing crumbles when you think they support gender self-identification. I mean, are they assuming my gender here?


The direct result of applying such self-refuting worldviews to the workplace is not recognising and rewarding worth fairly and justly. And it will only get worse, especially in the IT sector, where they seem to be way ahead of the curve in adopting such mentality.

BBC Radio London on the Olu case

Fascinating interview on BBC Radio London with Vanessa Feltz where the Metropolitan Police claim it was “very reasonable” to arrest street preacher Olu despite the fact they’ve offered £2,500 in damages. Listen to lawyer Michael Phillips’ response.

Men and Women are equal


Years ago, when I was still just a boy or a young teenager living in Italy, it was customary to give Mimosa (see picture above) to women as a token of appreciation. Mind you, it might still be, though new customs have arisen with time.

The ultra-progressive/feminist/liberal agenda has now taken over the minds of many worldwide, Italy included. All the men adhering (often mindlessly) to such worldviews today are quick to jump off their seats to make sure everybody knows they are “pro-women” and “pro equality”, though I doubt many of them would be able to articulate what that actually means. Thus, “we will not be humiliating women by adhering to this old-fashioned feast”, they say.

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